GreenQ’s Internet of Garbage solution makes cities smarter about their waste
Longtime friends from Haifa, Shlomy Ashkenazi and Meir Dudai, realized in 2015 that garbage collection in Israel was an industry stuck in the past. Many other sectors had begun to integrate data and IoT technology into their solutions, but garbage collection hadn’t changed in years. Waste management directors at municipalities continued to remain blind, knowing close to nothing about their garbage trucks: if they went out, when, where, and how much trash was collected.
And there it was born “IoG” – the Internet of Garbage
GreenQ validated their model early on. When the company first deployed its sensors on Herziliya’s garbage trucks in 2017, they received a call from the city that something was wrong. “We’re not seeing any data,” they said, referring to the web-based platform. The founders rushed down to the municipality to investigate and discovered that the garbage truck in question had sat in a parking lot all day instead of collecting waste. The city hadn’t known.
Read the full story on Calcalist Tech here.