Cyber Program

In 2024, FIBA offers Israeli start-ups an opportunity to participate in a program anchored by Florida based government agencies and industry partners. Companies selected by FIBA will be invited to participated in an in-person program that will prepare them to pitch and to sell in the U.S. market and will provide exclusive pitch opportunities to CISOs and investors.

The program will start with an exclusive opportunity to present to Florida’s state agencies and representatives from the Florida legislature. The Florida Department of Management Services, who manages the state contracts, and the Florida Opportunity Fund, which invests in early growth companies doing business in Florida, have partnered with FIBA to bring Israeli tech companies to pitch at the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee.  The event will take place in Tallahassee, Florida on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Program dates: February 22 in Tallahassee, February 23-29 in Tampa, Future visit to Miami TBD.

Application deadline: February 1, 2024.



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