Finishing up 2017

As we reflect on the inaugural year of FIBA that is behind us, there are some significant milestones we have reached and successes of our first cohort of companies that should be mentioned. In this first year, we brought eight Israeli companies to our first cohort. Five of the companies participated in the FIBA launch […]


What an honor for the FIBA team and cohort companies to be the guests of the US Ambassador to Israel at his beautiful residence in Hertzliya tonight. #FLGovScott #USA #FIBAinIsrael Rachel Marks FeinmanJack RossShana Levine Stemrad Blazepod @eProcSolutions Fiba adminMore Posts

Away We Go…

On November 28th, Rakefet Bachur started her journey to Israel in search of innovative tech companies to participate in the 2018 cohort. After a successful inaugural year, with the freshman class of high-growth Israeli tech ventures, the pressure is on to find the next group of entrepreneurs to help expand their business enterprises to the […]

Tevatronic Update

Tevatronic participated in the first cohort of companies to join FIBA. An agricultural-technology company that optimizes the irrigation processes, reduces waste, and increases farm yields, Tevatronic has been full steam ahead since starting the FIBA program. Over the last year Tevatronic improved and polished their sales pitch in Kentucky, increased their pool of customers in […]